Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tiling the Walls, Part 3

Spoiler alert! I'm finally done tiling!!!!! What an enormous undertaking. I wouldn't recommend taking on a project of this magnitude as your first tiling project.

I had to finish the crown pattern on the shower head wall and the shelf wall. After 4 days of straight tiling last weekend without being finished, you can imagine my disdain for tiling by this point. But my motivation was how close to being finished I finally was. Once I got this crown up, I could put the mortar away.

These were tricky because all four edges of the square recessed shelves are tapered inward so no matter how you install them, the shelf will drain. So, I had to cut the tiles with a slight taper, AND I had to be super precise when cutting the sides because they were going to be what held up the top tiles. CRAZY!

The last thing I had to do was put in the threshold. We found a nice tan(ish) colored marble threshold that, while the color doesn't match perfectly, we think looks really nice.

Alright, here's what you really want to see right? The semi finished product pictures! Obviously, they're not grouted yet, but they're done enough that you can really see what the shower will look like!

All I can say is, Phew! We couldn't be happier with how it looks.