Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Not Much Happening Lately

Hello All,

I know I haven't posted about anything in quite some time, but unfortunately not a whole lot of interesting things have been happening with us lately. I don't want the faithful few who check our blog from time to time to think I've abandoned the blog, though. I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures lately, either. Hence the lack of new posts on the Eaton Perspective. We got a new DSLR camera, though.

Cass and I wanted to take a fall vacation up to Northern Michigan at the peak of color but that fell through for other plans we're making. ^_^

With the Christmas season fast approaching, I want to wish everyone a merry time with family and friends and don't ever forget what we celebrate on the 25th of December. I promise we'll have more to blog about after the holiday season.